As I predicted, the world did not end todayJ
Was a great quarter moon ritual last night. Such power going
through my newly charged crystal. The interesting thing about using life energy
(or chi energy) for manifestation is how it can either strengthen or drain you,
depending on how it is used. My partner in energy sharing decided she wanted to
focus on one man in particular, who was still recovering from a breakup of a long-term
relationship and whom she wanted to heal so he could be in a relationship with
So we both drew our energy from the earth (grounding)
focused it through our individual energy chakras, hers is her heart, and mine
is both my belly and heart (although I have seen some people who were most powerful
using their sex centers). We focused the energy through our bodies and sent it
into our hands through the individual chakras that worked best for each of us respectively.
Once we had enough energy built up in our hands we stretched
out our arms and held our palms across from each other, about two to three
inches apart. Then we mixed energy letting it swirl counter clockwise until it
was really strong and we could feel a powerful tingling sensation from it.
Then as I mentioned in my last post, we put our hands on the
crystal and focused the energy towards her goal, her guyJ
It was quite powerful energy and I was able to make a
connection to him, feel what he was feeling and give him a “nudge” to focus his
mind in her direction.
Will let you know what transpires with this in later posts.
The sensation of connecting with the thoughts and emotions
using this method is quite powerful. However, you can also take on their
“stuff” if you do not know how to protect yourself and this guy was seriously
depressed about the loss of his long-term love that had left him for another
man. He was not ready for another relationship even though he was quite fond of
the girl who was working with me, on him.
Sending him all this energy and making the connection was
quite draining when we finally stopped.
I felt it best to replenish our energy so once again we
grounded our energy by reaching down into the earth (there are many methods for
drawing life energy but I find this to be the simplest) and then once again we
directed it into our hands, building it up and held our hands across from each other,
building it up chanting “ perfect love and perfect trust” then we focused the
energy to surround ourselves with it and fill up our centers (chakras, energy points)
that had been drained.
Will let you know how the suggestion we sent to the guy
worked when I hear from her later.
Have a great holiday, here is to making the world a happy
place by using energy work in a positive manner!!!