Saturday, February 09, 2013

New Moon In Aquarius Brings Double Good Luck

Sunday is the new moon in Aquarius. This is a great time to begin new creative projects or breath fresh life into old ones. It is also a good time to be creative with love. Whether it is old love, budding new love or the search for love, this is the time to try something new with an imaginative approach.

This new moon is also occurring during the Chinese New Year, the spring festival celebrating the year of the snake.  Snake years are times in which finances are highlighted. And the Chinese New year tradition is to sweep away any difficulty from the past year and start new with a clean slate.  So this is an excellent time to focus on new possibilities on the financial front as well.

As both the sun and the moon will be in the sign of Aquarius, it is a potent time to focus on relationships of all kinds. As I do my energy manifestation work by the cycles of the moon, this will be an excellent time to ask or look for, new love.
And love is in the air with Valentines Day fast approaching!

As Aquarius is a progressive sign it is time to make positive changes in a forward thinking manner. If it is new love you are looking for, then perhaps you may look in a new environment with the expectations and plan, to find one who will improve upon whatever it is that did not work for you in the last relationship. If it is an existing love that you wish to make some change to, then it could be that you try a fresh approach instead of getting caught in a potential rut. Perhaps trying something new and exciting in the bedroom. Or trying a different set of communication skills such as changing the tone of your voice to a more warm, loving tone when broaching a difficult subject or when conflict occurs.

I myself will be doing my energy work to strengthen my existing relationships and to bring new financial opportunities to family members that have expressed the desire for a new direction.
Whatever it is that you which to change, this is the ideal time to start working on that plan.

For those of you who do practice energy work or are interested in it, you may find my rituals, free of charge, on my website, in the hopes that this new moon bring you the gift of satisfying love and financial success.

May stability in all areas of your life be yours my friends.

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