Saturday, July 04, 2009

Fear Is A Mind Killer

Happy Independence Day! Today is my birthday, and I was thinking about what birthdays should be about? While I enjoy getting presents, it just seems too small of an idea for a day like today! As I am a giving person, I thought today I would give YOU a gift.

I was watching the movie "Dune", by Frank Herbert (remember, I am a geek / nerd) and there is a very famous line known as the Litany against Fear that goes like this:

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

The reason why this is so important as a gift is that I find that most people do not get the love that they want due MOSTLY out of fear. They are afraid of being alone, or of not finding the right person, of failure and rejection, or making themselves better, of growing, or of the unknown, or of having to start over, or of really getting the love of their life.

A good friend of mine is found of saying, "Only those who can see the Invisible, can do the Impossible." Well, I see the Invisible forces in all of us, and believe it is possible for your to find the Love of Your Live once you get past the fear.

I have to tell you this, if FEAR is keeping you from growing, then you are in a cage of your own making and NOT living the life you are capable of enjoying. Yes, Fear is a Mind Killer. It is the little death! Yes, even I occasionally have been trapped in my own cage of Fear, and was afraid to into that place of the unknown. I imaged it to be evil, wicked, painful, and lonely. I did not realize that I am the captain of my destiny, and Fear was taking that power away from me. Everyone is afraid at some time in their lives, it is just that the people who find true happiness and love are able to get past that fear. Yes, FEAR is a mind killer. It freezes us in a place where at any other time we would not want to be. It often prevents us for have the things we WANT, and instead we go after the things we NEED (see my blog Need v. Want).

Getting past this Fear is scary, it is hard, it takes work and help to get through it, but trust me it is worth it. If you want to get to future you deserve, and the love you crave (yes, we all want to be in love, madly, passionately, romantically, completely), then face and then abandon your fears of success. Yes, I said success. I know it is so much easier to stay in a bad, or unfulfilling relationship, or not try to go out and be the very best you can be, but trust me, in the long run you REALLY wished you had taken that first step into a better life. Do it, and do it now! Realize that the fear is holding you back, and I am here to help. Your fear of actually being successful often is much greater than that of failure, because it is such a LARGE unknown to most of us.

So, here is my gift to you. All of us have a mate out there waiting for us. One who vibrates on the same resonance as we do (I will write another blog about that topic in the future). One that makes us feel like a child again: whole, innocent, beautiful, powerful, wonderful, magical! What is stopping us from meeting that person is our FEAR of becoming the best we can, or being the true self and obtaining success. The fear of taking that risk of creating the future of our dreams is what is stopping you. Yes, you will have setbacks (and with those I can help), and yes, it will take work, but when you find that other person that matches you completely (see my entry on "Love and Dark Matter"), that vibrates with the same energy that you do, then your soul and spirit will be released and all the struggles and pain will melt away and be totally forgotten. The reward for your work will be so sweet that you will feel like your in heaven. I WANT everyone to experience that feeling, that success and am here to help you make it come true.

My first gift will be to help you see your FEAR and help you get past IT. This is my birthday gift to you! Now that you know a thing as true, it is easier to fix it. It would be good for all of us to remember the Litany of Fear and put its words to practice. This knowledge has power and can be the first tiny step to your better future. Happy Birthday everyone!

With Love, Warmth, and Tenderness,


r00tman said...

Happy Birthday!

Cindy said...

I love Dune too! I had forgotten about this Litany against Fear but it is so appropriate! I know I have been guilty, paralyzed by my fear, being in terrible relationships because I was too scared to leave. I am getting better at recognizing when I am in fear, but I still tend to just go out with a guy, and then am so afraid of being alone that I just stay with him until I cannot take it anymore then it just blows up! Thanks for sharing and the insight!


Anna B. said...

Joan, I cannot believe I found this blog! I now know why I get into relationships with guys just because they are good looking, or seem nice, and before I know it I am miserable! If I am every going to be in the relationship I want, I HAVE to wait for it. It is just that I am so afraid of being alone. These words will help give me some strength. Thanks, Anna B.

Profit Prophet said...

I am glad that this post is seemingly having a great effect on people like Cindy! It is amazing how Fear can grip us so profoundly, even those who should be able to recognize its effects on us!

Carolyn said...

I cannot believe you wrote this blog and thank you for this Litany! I just realized that I was in fear of getting what I wanted in life. I realize that I rush into a relationship or stay with guy mostly out of fear, not love. I think I should email you for a free question? I am going to print out the Litany and paste it to my wall. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Facing my fear is what I need, and this will help.

Tammi said...

I have read a lot of blogs about people who say they want to help people, but they just write about stupid things. This one really gives some good advice about love and fear. I have been in too many bad relationships that were based on my being afraid to count. This is really a very insightful posting. I always felt like I was the victim but this will help me deal with my fears about being in love.

Beth Bullock said...

I just finihed reading your three blogs on Love and cannot believe how insightful you are! Where did you learn all this? I am only 29 years old, and already have been married and divorced twice! I wish I had this information when I was younger! It would have saved me some headached and heartaches. I especially like this blog about fear and how stupid we can be because of the percieved fears in our lives. Bless you for taking the time to post these. There is a special place in the Universe for your wisdom.

John said...

Thank you for giving us a little hope! I am going through a horrible breakup with my girlfriend, and saw you liked Dune too! Wow, cool. Anyway, I think I have been doing a lot of stupid things because I am so afraid of "being successful." I know I should no longer be with my girlfriend, but I was just afraid, and your blog helped me see that maybe I do not have to be? Anyhows, thanks for posting!
