Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Love and Dark Matter

“May the Force Be With You!” Famous words issued by the Jedi faithful in George Lucas’ immortal Star Wars saga. (BTW, anyone who knows me knows I am a total sci-fi geek!).

Most things that happen to us concerning love can be explained logically or scientifically, either through brain chemistry, mathematical predictions, or pattern recognition, but some things that happen like luck, true love, serendipitous encounters, and chance or coincidences cannot.

Recently, scientists have hypothesized the existence of something known as dark matter which is found throughout the know universe. This substance cannot be detected by radiation or other measurements, but can be inferred by its gravitational “effects” on other objects (like the pull of love). Scientists now believe that dark matter connects the whole universe (the Force) through this gravitational pull, and accounts for the vast majority of substance in the observable universe. Dark matter, like love, contains no atoms, but it does affect other objects through its gravitational influence.

Interestingly enough, scientists also believe that gravity should be much stronger in our known universe and is in actuality too weak to be accounted for the mass of planets. For example, a magnet can lift a nail from the table, when in actuality gravity (another electromagnetic force) should not allow that to happen.

Just like we have been asking for eons what causes love, scientists have been trying to determine where gravity comes from. They are building multi-billion dollar super colliders, such as CERN, to try and determine just what causes gravity by smashing subatomic particles together at the speed of light, which in turn, creates even smaller subatomic particles (like dark matter).

I believe that when our astral bodies slip out of our physical shells that we temporarily inhabit, we travel in a different realm, dimension, plane of existence, vibration, whatever you want to call it, which can be accounted for by what modern science refers to as “dark matter” or “dark energy”. These other realms, or dimensions are not part of our reality other than that they are linked to our reality via gravitational forces. This “dark matter” can help explain the influences individuals in the psychic realm who can tap into the universal stream of “consciousness” and insight. Individuals, who have a deep, uncontaminated spiritual guide in this stream, can gain incredible insight into this “force” of existence and help guide you in this world.

I feel that this dark matter and its gravitational “force” are somehow associated with what we commonly experience as love and attraction. Like gravity, love cannot be explained or defined. We do not know logically what love is, but we observe its presence because we experience it. Like gravity, love is a “force” that may be infinite in range and duration (eternal). It transcends race, religion, ethnicity, and age. I have also found that true “Jedi Masters” of love have an understanding of life and living beyond the average persons’ comprehension, and to encounter one of these masters is a rare and wonderful thing.

As a spiritual being having a human experience and I am a traveler on the journey of my life, the ultimate purpose of my existence and yours is to experience being truly and deeply loved and appreciated and hopefully fall madly in love with another loving spirit. Love is a universal constant. I believe that you cannot “make” yourself love someone else (no matter how much you “like” the person), nor can you stop yourself from loving someone you are in love with. Real Love is like a combination of compatible fissionable materials that creates a nuclear heat that fuses two people together and no matter how much you deny it, that fusing will happen. You cannot force it, or hope for it. Love just happens or it does not happen. Either you experience it or you do not. When you are with that person, you both resonate at the same frequency, you cannot explain it, you just are happy, at peace, and actually think about the person all the time even though you might be with someone else. It is like the Ying-Yang of Taoism. That is why love is such a gravitational-like mystery. When two bodies (people) are connected through the “dark matter” conduit of love, there is no escape of its gravitational pull. It is hard to understand, but it is real. Love stems somewhere form deep in our souls that connect us all through a force like dark matter.

Does that mean when two people are “pulled” together that they are soul mates? No, even with this pull, Love takes work to maintain. Both people have to be “ready” to receive and master this force. You have to keep growing and feeding this attraction to keep the gravity balanced as you spin closer and faster together or the weak forces will corrupt the gravitation pull and cause a decoupling of enormous pain and destruction or the mutual annihilation due to an unbalanced merging. The nice thing to know that there is some higher source drawing us to our “dark matter” companion. I would like to believe that love conquers all, because like gravity, it is eternal and universal.

Here is to “The Force” of dark matter working in your favor. May you find yours.

Love Joan

I would like to give credit to Mark Hatzenbeller for his contribution of the concept of dark matter which started this blog and Jeffrey Fry for contributing his sense of romance and his expertise in this area love and science. I would not be able to keep up with all this without Jeffrey's proding and help:)


Debbie said...

Wow, this is really deep! You are some sort of genius being able to figure this out! I cannot believe you were able to connect the metaphysical with the quantum! You must be a "Jedi Master" of love to have written this. Whomever you happen to be in love with must be a very special guy. Thanks so much for this blog!

Patricia said...

This is such a beautiful piece! where did you learn all about this? I have always "felt" as if something connected us all through some invisible force, and now I know there is a way for that to happen! You really know your stuff!

John B said...

I am really impressed by this blog. I am a scientist and never thought that you could connect the psychic with the science of quantum physics. Well thought out and insightful!

Profit Prophet said...

Great post Joan. I so enjoy your insights into the unexplained.

Anonymous said...

Patricia and Deb...I am no genius, I have spent many, many years thinking about why I feel such intense love for some people, which is what inspired some of my discussions with Joan.

Mark Hatzenbeller

Gary said...

Finally, and explanation for all the unexplained! This is a very interesting blog and I will be sure to start following it! How on earth did you come up with this connection to dark matter? You (and you cohorts) are really imaginative in your theory, but it seems to work. Einstein was considered a kook when he first proposed relativity. Who knows, you just might be on to something??

May the Force be with you too!

robbwindow said...

Great post this Dark matter has been spoken about for a couple of weeks now on the internet, I find it fascinating. Great post, thanks.

Anonymous said...

I find this interesting in that many people's thought processes automatically correlate "dark" with anything negative; mainly because many people were taught to learn what is "dark." This topic clearly defies the logic behind what some see as society's norm and gives verifiable evidence as to "dark" being good. In this specific case, I hope people join this "dark side."